среда, 31. октобар 2018.


We celebrate St. Luka's Day, we cherish and keep our religion, tradition and customs. Also, we like to learn about other peoples' cultures. We learn English language and we like to practice their customs, especially when we have the chance to dress up and pretend to be something else. This is what children like and do all over the world. So, we  were scary today, but not too scary, and we had fun, and we created some knowledge and memories, too. 

And here are some moments from our school in Mezgraja and Donja Trnava today. Enjoy!

среда, 10. октобар 2018.

European Day of Languages

It was two weeks ago, but the memories are fresh!
Little and not so little people made great moments again, just like they had already done in the years before.

Here are some French models....



And some Russian poets.....





And some elves from the ELF ( English Language Fans club)

lords and their soldiers, princes, wizards and the kidnapped princesses...






And some witches of course😉😱

The audience 
