петак, 25. септембар 2020.

European Languages Day

We are celebrating languages remembering some past moments and performances.
Our former and present students gladly participated, and the audience enjoyed every second. I believe that would be the case this year, also.
 Lots of happy faces, and talents, shining in this short reminiscence, will make you proud of your school.
Thank you all, all of you that have grown up, and all still growing. Yours is the world!
Happy Languages' Day!

 Ове године ћемо обележити Дан језика присећајући се неких прошлих тренутака и извођења. 
Наши бивши и садашњи ђаци радо су учествовали, а публика уживала. Верујем да би тако било и ове године. Много веселих лица, и талената који блистају у овом кратком подсећању, учиниће вас поносним на вашу школу.
Хвала свима, и онима који су порасли, и онима који расту. 
И срећан вам Дан језика! 


петак, 5. јун 2020.

Art Scene 1

Art Scene 1-линк до странице Word on the Street преко које ћемо усавршавати енглески.

недеља, 15. март 2020.

Hippo results 2020-preliminary round

First of all, stay well and healthy! We shall prepare for the semi-finals, and then, for the finals, and we shall visit Italy, one day, soon. You are all great pupils, and I feel privileged to be your teacher, together with teacher Alex. We are both very satisfied with your results. 

Прошли су: Димитрије Кузмановић, 5-1, HIPPO 1., и Огњен Коцић, 7-1, HIPPO 3. Остали су у врло јакој конкуренцији постигли изванредне резултате, и, морам да поновим, срећна сам што имамо тако добре ђаке, и пре свега, добре људе. Овде можете погледати табеле са резултатима свих учесника нивоа, HL, H1, H2, H3.

LOVE YOU ALL! 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓


петак, 28. фебруар 2020.



Hippo competition has been held in our school for the first time, but I think it will become a tradition. Our pupils were motivated and have proven once again how great people they are. All of them! They inspire!

These photos show you the atmosphere and our pupils of

 the 3rd grade-Valentina Luetic, who has competed in the HIPPO LITTLE category,

 4th grade- Luka Bozidar Antic, Teodora Milovanovic, Vukan Krstic, Aleksa Vasiljevic and 5th grade- Novak Radovanovic, Dimitrije Arsic, Dimitrije Kuzmanovic-HIPPO 1, 

6th grade- Ivan Ilic, Marika Georgijev, Dunja Mitrovic, Milos Krstic-HIPPO2

&7th grade- Djina Arsic, Ognjen Kocic, Petar Nesic-HIPPO3.

Thank you for being so great!

teachers, Aleksandra Stevic & Danijela Jokic

петак, 7. фебруар 2020.


Enjoy the days and create memories, and don't forget to share knowledge and kindness. See you on the 18th of February🙋

субота, 11. јануар 2020.



We have celebrated the spirit of the new beginnings, hope, love, and faith in kindness and humanity, this year as well. But the cheerfulness of these merry holidays has been enhanced with the Russian Santa Claus and the exhibition of their tradition and culture. We have tasted delicious cookies prepared specially for this occasion by our dear colleague, a teacher of Russian language, Natasha Cakic. Thanks to her enthusiasm the mixture of the western and eastern cultures brought us joy and insight into the beauty of the world with all its differences and distances nicely put in the hall of our school somewhere in the southeast of Serbia. Thank you, our dear pupils, whose work has made this so grand, and thank you, Djuradj, for being the best Santa ever.

27. 12. 2019.

your teachers,

Aleksandra Stevic, Natasa Cakic, and Danijela Jokic.