петак, 22. новембар 2019.



                               HAPPY  HALLOWEEN

This year we celebrated the holiday through various games and activities, like apple bobbing, Halloween walk  guessing  who am I, we practiced words using Halloween crossword puzzles, word search, Halloween Pictionary, masquerade, trick-or-treat, Jack o’ lantern, homemade Halloween cookies. Here is the atmosphere of our Halloween charade.








уторак, 1. октобар 2019.

Европски дан језика 2019. Karaoke party!

        KARAOKE PART2019!!!

This is how we celebrated the languages of Europe this September.

 It was the celebration of joy and talent, mixed with great language skills and performances. Beautiful voices of our pupils, their choice of music and the will and strength to surpass all the obstacles, and the stage fright, made us, their teachers stronger, too. 

Thank you for that, you are great children and have proved your value once again!

Ево како смо прославили Европски дан језика ове године!

Била је то прослава радости и талента, помешаних са сјајним језичким вештинама и извођењем. Дивни гласови наших ученика, њихов избор музике и воља и снага да превазиђу све препреке, па и трему, учинили су и нас, њихове наставнике, снажнијима. Изводили су песме на енглеском, француском, руском и бугарском језику, што је све и део активности International Day, где се упознајемо са различитим културама, обичајима, па и песмама, у оквиру нашег обогаћеног једносменског програма. 

Хвала вам на томе, ви сте дивна деца и још једном сте доказали своју вредност. И овде мислим на све наше ђаке, а не само на учеснике.

Our presenter was Teodora Stoajnovic from the 8th grade. She was a great host and speaker.

Dance like nobody's watching was performed by Martina Stojanovic, Milica and Aleksandra Ilic from 7/2. And they led us straight to the world of music.

Dunja Mitrovic from 6/2 was perfect singing Perfect.

Emilija Kovacevic and Milica Todorovic sang Love yourself, and swept us away!

 Birds  made us think and Imagine thanks to Jovan Gojkovic.

And then Dimitrije Kuzmanovic persuaded us with his strong voice that he is a Bad Liar.

Jovana Milenov reminded us of a beautiful love and life story, so gently and flawlessly. My heart will go on was her song.

And Marija Markovic brought summer back with Senorita

And then she sang in French, together with her friends Emilija and Milica. Listen to Ego!

Nothing without Russians, Petra, Ognjen, Stefan and Lazar together with their teacher of Russian language Natasha, performed Katusa and what a performance that was.

And other teachers proved that they love to sing and dance, too. Magdalena Petrovic and Ivana Jerkovic performed Don't worry be happy and our worries did disappear!

 Aleksandra Stevic and Danijela Jokic, teachers and pals, enjoyed singing Help!

 And in the end, the atmosphere of good mood was really heated with the performance in Bulgarian by Aleksandra and Milica Ilic and Lana Savic and Sara Miljkovic and the song Luda po tebe! 

We are also grateful to our dear colleagues, fellow teachers, without whose  support we would hardly realize this project.

Special thanks to our pupil Jovana Milenov who borrowed her microphone, without it, our singers wouldn't be heard and remembered!

Bye and see you at our next karaoke party!💓💓💓💓💓💓

понедељак, 16. септембар 2019.


Is approaching!

Join us in celebrating languages of the old continent through music and song. There are great performers among our pupils, but we invite teachers to show their talents, too!


Придружите нам се, драги ученици и колеге, обележићемо Дан европских језика кроз.... Караоке!

SEPTEMBER 26th, 2019.


субота, 1. јун 2019.

spelling bees!


                       Spelling bees!

Hello, again!

On the May of 29th, spelling bees buzzed around our school for the ninth time. And, again, it was great thanks to our competitors, the host and the members of the jury.   

Our competitors were: Andrija Jankovic and Mijat Mitrovic from 5/1, Dunja Mitrovic and Ivan Ilic from 5/2, Ognjen Kocic from6/1, Djuradj Gojkovic, Andrija Milosevic and Petar Nesic from 6/2, Emilija Kovacevic, Djordje Stefanovic and Iva Nikolic from the 7th grade and Danica Mitrovic, Katarina Mrvosevic and Stefan Danicic from the 8th grade.

All of the participants have demonstrated great knowledge and will power, but each year three pupils prove to be the most hard-working bees and hence earn their rewards. And this year the winners are:

Djordje Stefanovic, 7th grade. Bee numero uno!😄

Danica Mitrovic, 8th grade, second place.
And Iva Nikolic  won the third place😃

Congratulations to our winners and their teacher Aleksandra Stevic, but also to all the pupils who have done their best. Special thanks to our host and speaker Milica Todorovic,
and the member of the jury Mitra Georgijev.

See you again next year, on our tenth anniversary. It'll be something special. And now enjoy the atmosphere we have captured in these photos. 
Your teachers Aleksandra Stevic and Danijela Jokic.


some of the audience😄

and our supporters!

And our best pal and teacher, Aleksandra Stevic! 💗