A SPELLING BEE is a competition where usually children are asked to spell the English words. The concept is thought to have originated in the US and SPELLING BEE events are now held in many countries around the world.We’re delighted that the SPELLING BEE CONTEST help students to improve their spelling and acquire lifelong skills. Our aim is to make spelling fun and to help teachers to raise the profile of spelling and develop the talents of their students. It proves the chance for students to display their mastery of spelling and to be a part of a high-profile nation wide contest with other schools throughout the country.The word BEE has been used to describe a get-together where a specific action is being carried out,like a husking bee ,a quilting bee or an apple bee.Our school is taking part in the Sixth Times Spelling Bee Championship .Each grade includes 4 members-two players from each class The participants were Katarina Mrvosevic, Danica Mitrovic,Mitra Georgijevi Bogdan Milijic from the 5thgrade, SandraVidojevic, Aleksandra Ristic, Danilo Stevanovic from the 6thgrade,AndjelaPetrovic I AndjelaZivanovic from the 7thgrade, JovanaStojanovic, IvonaMitic, KristinaDjukic I Mina Stojicic from the 8thgrade.The announcer was Tijana Milosevic and next to the teachers Danijela and Alexandra as a part of the jury was Marko Dukic. We shuffled different and interesting prizes amongst the winners.The winner was JovanaStojanovic,second place went to Danilo Stevanovic and the third place went to Mina Stojicic.
written by your teacher Aleksandra Stevic
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